Friday, November 4, 2011

OLKY Study & Teach-ins Working Group: Study Group on "the history of corporate power & personhood" (November 6: 1-2:30 PM)

WHAT: Study Group on "the history of corporate power & personhood"
WHEN: Nov 6, Sunday, 1:00-2:30 pm, Room C, 4th Floor, downtown Public Library
READING: Chapters 5-10, Gangs of America: the Rise of Corporate Power & the Disabling of Democracy by Ted Nace

The Occupy Wall Street movement is very concerned with the growing power of a small number of massive corporations. Occupy Lexington invites you to a study group to explore the history of the corporation, including:

* the fiercely anti-corporate political culture of early America

* the rise of monopolistic corporations in the late 19th century

* the campaign for corporations to be declared legal "persons" entitled to universal human rights under the Bill of Rights-- from the notorious Santa Clara 1886 ruling to the 2010 Citizens United ruling of the US Supreme Court

* what does this growing corporate power mean for America, the world, the earth?

This is the second meeting in a four week course of study, sponsored by the "Study & Teach-in Working Group" of Occupy Lexington. The "price of admission" to the study group is that you try to read as much of the readings as you can...The book can be downloaded at To Read Gangs of America and a hard copy is available at Morris Bookstore

Please join us on Sunday!

~~~If you would also like to join our Working Group -- (contact Michael Benton mdbento at gmail dot com )

~~~to get notices re/ other events, join our listserv -- (contact Betsy Taylor betsy dot taylor at gmail dot com )

~~~ to learn more about Occupy Lexington

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