Friday, November 4, 2011

Michelle Alexander: University of Louisville, 11/10, 6PM

I'm interested in going -- anyone want to make it an OLKY group adventure....... please spread the word to other occupiers.

Joan's description for the UK Socialist Student Group:

A lecture in Louisville by Michelle Alexander, author of the important new book about the racism inherent in the U.S. criminal justice system: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness. The talk is Thursday next week (November 10) at 6pm; the carpool will leave from the UK Student Center parking lot at 4:30 pm that day. Please let me know if you think you might be interested in coming and whether you'd need a ride and/or more information. I've heard wonderful things about Michelle Alexander and missed the chance to hear her speak when she spoke at the UK Law School, so I'm eager to hear her speak. (The talk itself begins at 6pm in Louisville at the J.B. Speed Art Museum. The talk is sponsored by the Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research. The talk is free and open to the public.)

Michael again :)

Here is a link to audio readings of her book The New Jim Crow

Another World is Possible: Michelle Alexander -- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

and an episode with her on Bill Moyers

Bill Moyers Journal: Bryan Stevenson and Michelle Alexander -- Are We Living in Marting Luther King Jr.'s America?

Let me know if you want to go,


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