Thursday, December 1, 2011

The End of Poverty (USA: Philippe Diaz, 2008: 106 mins)


  1. Sub-Saharan Africa is paying $25,000 per minute in debt repayment to the North. About $200 Billion each year flows from the South to The North! World Bank (reconstruction and poverty alleviation) loans to developing nations enrich US corporations and contractors and rarely goes to the poor. empire is working through debt-based currency.

  2. Indeed Susmita, this is why I posted that documentary, to provide some historical context for the colonization of those countries and the continuing relations in which resources are extracted/exploited to benefit other countries (USA, yes, but also Europe, Japan, China, etc.....)

    Discussions of the G8/G20, IMF and WTO are also helpful in this ....

    Thanks for the comment!

  3. Welcome Thivai. I need to watch it again as there is a lot. Somewhere it mentions that cost of reducing global poverty in half is only $20 Billion, only 4% of US military expense. Imagine that. I have some ideas of poverty reduction through right understanding of currency in my blog.Peace

  4. grrrr :) blogger just erased my long comment!

    alright, shorter and to the point:

    1) Thanks, I will check out your website ... I'm intrigued by the conflicting terms in your address and look forward to seeing if you are able to pull off a rapprochement in your writings

    2) Maybe we should discuss a screening/discussion of the TEOP as a dual event for CKCPJ and OLK -- a great way for us to get people to meet and to get people talking about this subject....

    3) Just found this for a friend that was disillusioned to find out that Kissinger did bad things .... this documentary provides more context for America's exploitive/extractive relationship with poorer countries and its continuous support of the worst dictators
